When you lease a new car you’ll be required to go through a credit check. Your credit check shows your financial history and whether or not you’ve consistently paid your bills on time. Because of this, it’s usually easier for Black Mountain residents to lease a car if they have good credit. If you have bad credit you may have to pay a higher deposit and monthly payment, however, this will still be significantly less than if you take out a loan to buy a car.
Don’t despair if you have bad credit and want to lease a new car, customers from Hendersonville and beyond are able to find a great lease deal at Hyundai of Asheville! We’ve created this list of tips for you to follow to make your chances of leasing a car more successful.
If you’re unsure if you can lease a new car with bad credit or you’re unfamiliar with the leasing process, we have financial experts on staff who can help you qualify for a lease that works with your budget. In addition, if you decide that financing is a better option than leasing, we’ll help you avoid high interest rates on your auto loan. Learn how much down payment you need to put down for a car when you have bad credit. For more information on loan terms and conditions, call us at (828) 298-4911 or apply for financing online! You can also stop by our lease and finance center near Weaverville to learn about your financing options and if you can transfer your Hyundai warranty or how you can negotiate a lease buyout.